Bisto Beef Gravy Reduced Salt 170g
Bisto Beef Gravy Reduced Salt 170g

Bisto Beef Gravy Reduced Salt 170g

11 Units

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Bisto Reduced Salt has all the taste and ease of your normal Bisto. So now you can help cut down on the salt in your family's diet without cutting down on the taste. Contains 25% less Salt than Standard Bisto Beef Gravy Granules.

Ingredients - potato starch, maltodextrin, vegetable oils, salt, flavourings (celery, soya, wheat), colour, wheat flour, flavour enhancers, spice and herb extracts, onion extract
Ingrédients - fécule de pommes de terre, huiles de maltodextrine et végétales, sel, assaisonnements (céleri, soja, blé), couleur, farine de blé, renforceurs de saveur, épice et extraits d'herbe, extrait d'oignon

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