Marks & Spencer Ginger Snaps 250g
Marks & Spencer Ginger Snaps 250g

Marks & Spencer Ginger Snaps 250g

M&S Remarksable Ginger Snaps add warming spice and cunchy snap to the biscuit cupboard.

Marks & Spencer
3 Units

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Marks & Spencer extra crunchy sharp ginger flavoured biscuits.

Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, partially inverted sugar syrup, vegetable oil, salt, ground ginger, sodium bicarbonate, soyal lecithin, flavouring
Ingrédients: farine de blé, sucre, sirop de sucre inverti partiellement, huile végétale, sel, gingembre moulu, bicarbonate de soude, lécithine soyal, assaisonnant

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