The Scotch haggis is the traditional Stahly haggis made from the original Stahly family recipe.
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The Scotch haggis is the traditional Stahly haggis made from the original Stahly family recipe. As with the very origins of the haggis itself, the Stahly haggis has been adapted, improved and developed over the years while retaining its original charm.
A blend of the finest lamb, oatmeal and spices, Stahly Quality Foods’ Scotch haggis is our most popular choice for a great tasting, traditional haggis.
Product of USA. In 2003 Ken Stahly decided to avoid the bureaucratic holdups, and consequent delivery uncertainties by producing Stahly's haggis in the United States using the same secret family recipe as in the Scottish version, and receiving the full blessings of all the necessary U.S. and Canadian government agencies.