Ballymaloe Steak Sauce is a deliciously indulgent sauce from the team behind Ballymaloe Relish. Made using Irish Stout from the Dungarvan Irish Brewing Company and with a temptingly rich flavour, with notes of coffee, caramel and tarragon, it is going to be your BBQ essential this summer!
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Enjoy in a steak sandwich or with roast beef or even better- use as a glaze in the final few minutes of cooking a steak or chicken wings! Ballymaloe Steak Sauce is now available in good food stores nationwide!
Ballymaloe House & Restaurant was opened in 1964 by Ivan and Myrtle Allen. The restaurant soon attracted international attention receiving many awards and is renowned to this day as the home of good food in Ireland. Ballymaloe Original Country Relish (labelled Original Tomato Sauce in North America) is a famous recipe of the house.