Maynards Bassetts Mini Gems 130g
Maynards Bassetts Mini Gems 130g

Maynards Bassetts Mini Gems 130g

If you enjoy Maynard’s famous wine gums, then why not give their Mini Gems a try? These small, chewy sweets come in a selection of fruity flavours – lime, pear, orange, blackcurrant, apricot and raspberry.

Maynards Bassetts
5 Units

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Perfect for chewing on while at the cinema or sharing out on a car journey, these miniature sweets are also great for kids to share out in the playground (or adults to dish out at work!).

Ingedients - glucose syrup (contains sulphites), sugar, gelatine (bovine), modified starch, water, acids (citric acid, acetic acid), flavourings, vegetable oils (coconut, palm kernel, sunflower), natural colours, glazing agent (carnauba wax), concentrated vegetable extracts (spinach, stinging nettle, turmeric).
Ingedients - sirop de glucose (contient des sulfites), sucre, gélatine (bovins), amidon modifié, de l'eau, des acides (acide citrique, acide acétique), arômes, huiles végétales (noix de coco, de palmiste, de tournesol), les couleurs naturelles, agent d'enrobage (carnauba cire), concentré d'extraits végétaux (épinards, ortie, curcuma). 

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